Mixbus compressor
Mixbus compressor

Use harmonic excitation to blow the lid off the mix

#Mixbus compressor how to

This technique can often lead to a more transparent, smooth compression effect across the whole track.Īfter this, we walk you through how to set up the compressor’s threshold, attack, release and make-up gain settings. From here, we engage the band link function, which will ensure that any moves made on one parameter will be mirrored in other parameters. Using the Learn button, you can use intelligent DSP to instruct Ozone’s crossover bands to detect frequency energy and settle over portions of the spectra that represent low, mid and high areas of the body of music. Next, we demonstrate how to transparently glue the entire mix using Ozone’s Dynamics module, a powerful multiband compressor.

mixbus compressor

Use Ozone’s Multiband Compressor to glue and frame the mix bus By parking Dynamic EQ first in the mix bus chain, you can ensure that future processing won’t highlight timbral problems. We show you how Master Assistant places the nodes at in the Dynamic EQ at peak frequencies to reduce potential distortion or resonances which might carry over when further processing is introduced. In the first section of the video, we demonstrate how to harness the power of Ozone 8’s Master Assistant to ensure a smooth and tonally balanced EQ curve before adding compression and harmonic saturation further in the mix bus processing chain.

mixbus compressor mixbus compressor

Dynamically balance the EQ spectrum before adding compression and excitation

Mixbus compressor